With MICRO upon us, I would like to take time to reflect on the events running up to the establishment of CASA or the Computer Architecture Student Association. This month we will be celebrating our first anniversary as an active
Message from the Inaugural IEEE SEED 2021 Program Chairs
Dear Computer Architecture Community, We take this opportunity to invite you all to the first-ever edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). This blog post will provide an overview of the inaugural edition of IEEE
Advancing and Promoting DEI in Computer Architecture–Summer 2021 Reading Group
Across the computer systems and architecture community, there has been A Call to Action to advance and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) values through systemic change. Towards this step, HPCA 2021, PPoPP 2021, CGO 2021, and CC 2021 held
When you measure your quantum bit, what do you make out of it: |0> or |1>?

Quantum computing architecture and system software are evolving at a rapid pace. Less than ten years back, the quantum computing model appeared to be primarily a theoretical endeavor for many of us. But, a lot has changed in the last
Neuroscience and Computer Architecture

The Happy Hour with Architects hosts prominent researchers from academia and industry to discuss different topics related to computer architecture. We hope to create a sense of community during this pandemic by providing a platform to discuss and debate research
What’s next for processor security?

(For further reading on security topics, I also suggest the Sigarch blog which has run an excellent series of posts on a range of topics: https://www.sigarch.org/tag/security/.) Processor security concerns have made the past several years a very exciting time to