Machine learning-driven computer architecture tools and methods have the potential to drastically shape the future of computer architecture. The question is: how can we lay the foundation to effectively usher in this era? In this post, we delve into the
HPCA 2022 Trip Report
This is a repost from the ACM SigArch blog. Welcome to the trip report on the 28th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-28)! This marks the second fully-virtual HPCA (and hopefully last). With signs of the COVID-19 pandemic
Happy Birthday, CASA!: A Retrospective
With MICRO upon us, I would like to take time to reflect on the events running up to the establishment of CASA or the Computer Architecture Student Association. This month we will be celebrating our first anniversary as an active
Message from the Inaugural IEEE SEED 2021 Program Chairs
Dear Computer Architecture Community, We take this opportunity to invite you all to the first-ever edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). This blog post will provide an overview of the inaugural edition of IEEE
Advancing and Promoting DEI in Computer Architecture–Summer 2021 Reading Group
Across the computer systems and architecture community, there has been A Call to Action to advance and promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) values through systemic change. Towards this step, HPCA 2021, PPoPP 2021, CGO 2021, and CC 2021 held
Best Practices for Conference Reviewing: An Invitation for Community Feedback
As with all scientific communities, the field of computer architecture is driven by publications. At the heart of a meaningful scientific publication model is a fair and sound peer-reviewing process. If this process is compromised, some papers might be unfairly
Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Our Computing Community
This article also appears on the ACM’s Committee for Systematic Change webpage ( and the IEEE CS Diversity & Inclusion webpages ( There is a movement occurring broadly across many scientific and engineering fields, including widely within our computing community,
HPCA 2020 Trip Report

This article originally appeared on the SIGARCH blog. Highlights of the business meeting were added for this version. By all accounts, HPCA (and co-located PoPP/CGO) was a tremendous success with fabulous keynotes, many ground-breaking papers and an almost too-wonderful setting