One of the most pressing challenges facing today’s digital society is how to curb the relentless increase in the energy consumption of computing. Without major action, such an increase is even likely to accelerate, as ubiquitous AI models are embedded
Architecture 2.0: Why Computer Architects Need a Data-Centric AI Gymnasium
Machine learning-driven computer architecture tools and methods have the potential to drastically shape the future of computer architecture. The question is: how can we lay the foundation to effectively usher in this era? In this post, we delve into the
Recent IEEE Computer Architecture Letters Publications (2022 Issue1)

In this blog post, we highlight recent publications from the IEEE Computer Architecture Letters (CAL) from the IEEE Computer Architecture Letter Vol. 21 (Issue1 • Jan-Jun2022). We include a short summary if provided by the authors. IEEE CAL Editorial Board
HPCA 2022 Trip Report
This is a repost from the ACM SigArch blog. Welcome to the trip report on the 28th IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-28)! This marks the second fully-virtual HPCA (and hopefully last). With signs of the COVID-19 pandemic
How did the road to new adventure in Superconductor Neural Network Accelerator happen?
1: What is Superconductor SFQ? Moore’s Law, doubling the number of transistors in a chip every two years, has so far contributed to the evolution of computer systems. Unfortunately, we cannot expect sustainable transistor shrinking anymore, marking the beginning of
Happy Birthday, CASA!: A Retrospective
With MICRO upon us, I would like to take time to reflect on the events running up to the establishment of CASA or the Computer Architecture Student Association. This month we will be celebrating our first anniversary as an active
Message from the Inaugural IEEE SEED 2021 Program Chairs
Dear Computer Architecture Community, We take this opportunity to invite you all to the first-ever edition of the IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). This blog post will provide an overview of the inaugural edition of IEEE
Message from the HPCA 2021 Program Chair
Dear Computer Architecture Community, This blog is to provide an overview of the HPCA 2021 PC organization and the paper selection process. As you all know by now, HPCA 2021 will be virtual. So, let me take this opportunity to
Neuroscience and Computer Architecture

The Happy Hour with Architects hosts prominent researchers from academia and industry to discuss different topics related to computer architecture. We hope to create a sense of community during this pandemic by providing a platform to discuss and debate research
What’s next for processor security?

(For further reading on security topics, I also suggest the Sigarch blog which has run an excellent series of posts on a range of topics: Processor security concerns have made the past several years a very exciting time to