As with all scientific communities, the field of computer architecture is driven by publications. At the heart of a meaningful scientific publication model is a fair and sound peer-reviewing process. If this process is compromised, some papers might be unfairly
HPCA 2021 Trip Report
Welcome to the trip report on the 27th Annual (and the first virtual/global online) IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture! The conference marks one full year of virtual keynotes, panels, talks, and networking, for many of us, since the last
Valuing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Our Computing Community
This article also appears on the ACM’s Committee for Systematic Change webpage ( and the IEEE CS Diversity & Inclusion webpages ( There is a movement occurring broadly across many scientific and engineering fields, including widely within our computing community,
Message from the HPCA 2021 Program Chair
Dear Computer Architecture Community, This blog is to provide an overview of the HPCA 2021 PC organization and the paper selection process. As you all know by now, HPCA 2021 will be virtual. So, let me take this opportunity to
When you measure your quantum bit, what do you make out of it: |0> or |1>?
Neuroscience and Computer Architecture
What’s next for processor security?
Systematic and Structured Approach to Designing Deep Learning Accelerators
Computing Innovation Fellows Program

Recognizing COVID-19’s significant impact on research hiring, the National Science Foundation’s CISE directorate has recently funded the Computing Research Association (CRA) and the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) to run a new Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows) Project for 2020. This effort aims to